Crooked Chair Creative

kinda like a full-time employee with no paid vacation

high-end design work. unlimited requests. flexible pricing.
OverPowered Gaming PCs
Arculix by SecureAuth
Schivo Trifold

Our mission is to tell your story better.

Design makes all the difference.

One request at a time. All managed in Asana.

Setup in Asana

get setup in asana

Within 24 hours of signing up, you will be given access to Asana. Invite as many team members as you'd like.

Create your Asana tasks

create your tasks

Immediately after creating your Asana account, you can start adding your tasks. They will be completed one at a time.

Be in Awe

be in awe

We will always strive to leave you in awe of the work. And if not, we'll continue to make changes until it gets there.


SecureAuth Website and App

Arculix by SecureAuth

Designing and developing new website and brand. Leading overall creative, UX and web development.

Over Powered

Over Powered

A new gaming PC brand released by Walmart. Designed and developed the website along with all the photography of the PCs and laptops.

The Concrete Network

The Concrete Network

Redesigning new website. Helping with development of it. Designed Concrete Network's Estimating App and anything else design related.

Garden Design Magazine

Garden Design Magazine

Responsible for all design and branding and photographer for a variety of stories in this beautiful, reader-supported magazine.

Josh Endres Studios

Josh Endres Studios

Taking Josh's brand to a whole new level through a new website, 2-new books, and making a more seamless purchasing expierence for customers.

Church Hope

Church Hope

Creating a new brand, logo, website and overall collateral for this non-profit that helps church leadership get a much-needed break.

Schivo Brochure

Schivo Trifold

Evolving the brand with new collateral like trifolds, business cards, letterheads, etc.

MFA is so 80s

MFA is so 80s

A fun event theme for SecureAuth tradeshows in 2023 that supports their Passwordless, Continuous Authentication model. Created overall theme and all design work.

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